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Aloittaja HelloDolly, toukokuu 15, 2013, 01:48:11

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Teksti on suora kopio wikipediasta ja olen niin laiska, etten jaksa ruveta suomentamaan.  :blush:

The Sybarite is a 16 inch resin artist-doll created by London artists Desmond Lingard and Charles Fegen in 2005. Sybarite dolls are fully articulated mannequin-like dolls and have appeared in several fashion trades (French Revue des Modes, Style.com, Women's Wear Daily). HauteDoll features Sybarites on the Covers of their magazines.
The designers work under the "Superdoll" moniker and produce the dolls for a collector market. Previous to artist dolls, Fegen worked in the fashion industry as a clothing designer.
Early dolls were handmade in London by Lingard and Fegen in their workshop. As the dolls went into the mainstream market, manufacturing moved to China.
The dolls have 17 points of articulation, and have strung bodies similar to the Super Dollfie dolls from Japan. The Sybarite doll was introduced shortly after Asian ball-jointed dolls were gaining popularity, but differ in that they are high fashion mannequins versus the Asian ball-jointed dolls' anime inspired childlike quality.

Tässä mun Sage mustassa peruukissa ja AG Bijoux-mekossa (kuva mieheni ottama kännykkäkameratestiotos):


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Upealta näyttää. Ja tuo mekko sopii nukelle hyvin. :peukku: